Selling & Servicing Guide Forms

These forms  are provided for use in meeting our Selling and Servicing Guides requirements. 

Guide form instructions

Form instructions are appended to the back of each individual form (with a few appended to the front).

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Selling and Servicing Guide Forms

Form ID Title Status

Non-Routine Litigation Form

Property Inspection Report

Data Access Authorization Agreement

Report of Property Insurance Loss

Request for Military Indulgence

Agreement for Modification, Re-Amortization, or Extension of a Mortgage

Adverse Action Notice

Adverse Action Notification Certification

Mortgage Release Program Lease Option Referral Form

Mortgage Release Program Cancellation Form

Deficiency Waiver Agreement

Short Sale Affidavit

Personal Property Release Form

Mortgage Release Program Transition Option Referral Form

eMortgage Servicer Questionnaire

Charge-Off Questionnaire

Application for Release of Security

Certificate of Authority, Incumbency, and Specimen Signatures

Reconciliation of ShortageSurplus

Reconciliation of ShortageSurplus (Excel)

Schedule 3 Supplement

Schedule 3 Supplement (Excel)

Reconciliation of Mortgage Portfolio

Reconciliation of Mortgage Portfolio (Excel)

Reconciliation of Interest RatePass-Through Rate

Reconciliation of Interest RatePass-Through Rate (Excel)

Seller's Designation of Wire Transfer Instructions

Principal and Interest (P&I) Custodial Account Analysis

Taxes and Insurance (T&I) Custodial Account Analysis

Reconciliation of Mortgage Portfolio - SS MBS & MRS

Reconciliation of Mortgage Portfolio - SS MBS & MRS

Irrevocable Limited Power of Attorney

Cash Disbursement Request

Participation Certificate

Mortgage Assistance Application

Home Affordable Modification Program Government Monitoring Data Form

Real Estate Fraud Certification

Borrower Solicitation Letter

Assumption of Liability Endorsement

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Reporting Form

HomeStyle Approval Form

Authorization for Verification of Credit and Business References

Uniform Residential Loan Application

Uniform Residential Loan Application – Spanish

Uniform Residential Appraisal Report

Uniform Residential Appraisal Report - Desktop

Uniform Residential Appraisal Report - Hybrid

Manufactured Home Appraisal Report

Appraisal Update andor Completion Report

Market Conditions Addendum to the Appraisal Report

Verification of Employment

Verification of Employment -- Spanish

Verification of Deposit

Verification of Deposit -- Spanish

Single-Family Comparable Rent Schedule

Uniform Underwriting and Transmittal Summary

Special Lender Approval Form - Co-op Share Loans

Letter of Authorization for P&I Custodial Account

Letter of Authorization for T&I Custodial Account

Servicemembers Civil Release Act (SCRA) Disbursement Request Form

Small Residential Income Property Appraisal Report

Application for Project Approval

Warranty of Project Presales

Project Eligibility Review Service Document Checklist

Post-Closing Loan File Document Checklist

Post-Closing QC Collateral Risk Assessment Analysis

HomeStyle Renovation Maximum Mortgage Worksheet

Rental Income Worksheet - Principal Residence, 2- to 4-unit Property

Rental Income Worksheet - Individual Rental Income from Investment Property(s) (up to 4 properties)

Rental Income Worksheet - Individual Rental Income from Investment Property(s) (up to 10 properties)

Rental Income Worksheet - Business Rental Income from Investment Property(s)

Project Development Master Association Plan

Warranty of Condominium Project Legal Documents

FRMGEM Loan Schedule

ARMGPARM Loan Schedule

Statement of Insurance and Fidelity Coverage

Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report

Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report - Desktop

Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report - Hybrid

Analysis of Annual Income and Expenses-Operating Budget

Request for Cooperative Project Information

Exterior-Only Inspection Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report

Condominium Project Questionnaire - Full Form

Condominium Project Questionnaire - Full Form -- Spanish

PERS Documents Checklist – Co-op Projects

Limited or Shared Equity Co-op Worksheet

Final Certification of Substantial Project Completion

Notice of Property Acquired

Cash Flow Analysis

Comparative Income Analysis

Application for Approval of Established Project

Maintenance and Repair Work Authorization

Property Preservation Request for Repair

Summary of IRS Form 1099-A and 1099-C Filing

Supplemental Consumer Information Form

First‐Generation Homebuyer Certification

HomeStyle Change Order Request

Contractor Profile Report

HomeStyle Renovation Consumer Tips

One-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review Report

Two- to Four-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review Report

Annual Statement of Eligibility for Document Custodians

Release of Interest in Mortgages

Schedule of Mortgages

Application for Active Document Custodianship

Request for ReleaseReturn of Documents - Interactive

Request for Transfer of Control of eNotes - Interactive (New Version)

Delivery Schedule

Master Custodial Agreement (new version)

Exterior-Only Inspection Residential Appraisal Report

Individual Cooperative Interest Appraisal Report

Exterior-Only Inspection Individual Cooperative Interest Appraisal Report

Community Land Trust Ground Lease Rider

Loan Modification Agreement (Providing for Adjustable Interest Rate)

Loan Modification Agreement (Providing for Fixed Interest Rate)

Loan Modification Agreement (Providing for Fixed Interest Rate)

Legal Documents

Includes Notes, Riders, Addendas, Security Instruments, and Special Purpose Documents.

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Selling Policy Communications

Access a list of selling announcements, lender letters, notices, and related communications.

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Servicing Policy Communications

Access a list of servicing announcements, lender letters, notices, and related communications.

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Form 200

Form 200 has been integrated into the Quick Exchange application.

Launch Quick Exchange

Form 582

Lender Record Information allows you to prepare your annual certification and submit it electronically to Fannie Mae.

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Form 629

Form 629 has been integrated into the Quick Exchange application.

Launch Quick Exchange

Form 1002

An approved lender that is a mortgage banker uses this form to report financial information about its operations each quarter using the Mortgage Bankers' Financial Reporting Form (MBFRF).

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