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Pricing & Execution

New! Fannie Mae’s Loan Pricing API helps lenders quickly get real-time pricing for loans without having to manually check or enter data. It makes the loan pricing process faster and more efficient. Contact your sales engineer or Fannie Mae representative to get started. Learn more.


Optimize your profitability and manage credit risk with our flexible, competitive liquidity options

Fannie Mae understands that every lender’s funding and loan delivery process can be unique. That’s why we’re continually developing solutions that expand our execution options to help optimize your profitability, while managing credit risk and simplifying your overall user experience with our easy-to-use technology solutions.

Take a look at our pricing applications and execution options and see how we are committed to offering unrivaled customer service, delivering user-friendly technology, and improving your liquidity.

View our applications

Explore our execution options


Capital Markets Pricing & Sales Desk

Best execution comes down to what is most efficient and profitable for your company. Fannie Mae offers the certainty, options, and outstanding customer service to meet your company’s needs. Our Capital Markets experts are available and uniquely qualified to help you commit whole loans, trade MBS, analyze best execution, provide market color, and advise on early funding and hedging strategies.



When you work with us, you have access to services and technology that offer simplicity beyond pricing and execution:


  • If you retain servicing, you’ll have access to our streamlined, value-driven technology that provides simplicity and certainty
  • A customer service structure designed to get you the information and answers you need quickly
  • Desktop Underwriter® (DU)’s powerful origination technology
  • Certainty on a diverse set of products that meet DU® requirements, including 97% LTV, construction to permanent, and ARMs
  • A collaborative, real-time post-purchase review process to mitigate risk and drive loan quality together.


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