Servicing Marketplace
New! Fannie Mae’s Loan Pricing API helps lenders quickly get real-time pricing for loans without having to manually check or enter data. It makes the loan pricing process faster and more efficient. Contact your sales engineer or Fannie Mae representative to get started. Learn more.
Available in Pricing & Execution – Whole Loan®, Servicing Marketplace® brings lenders and servicing buyers together in one location to increase transparency and operational efficiency for servicing-released whole loan transactions. With more than a dozen servicing buyers, seven integrated vendors, and all-in funding within 24 hours, Servicing Marketplace is a flexible and certain source of liquidity to our customers.
Sellers can find new servicing buyers, and initiate relationships with buyers that meet their business needs.
Servicing Marketplace’s Quick Launch option
Fannie Mae sellers new to Servicing Marketplace may begin making servicing-released transactions sooner with the new Quick Launch option.
- Sellers are auto paired with select servicers and may initiate relationships with other servicing buyers at any time.
- Quick Launch servicers use the standard Purchase & Sale Agreement (PSA) in our Selling Guide.
- Transfer loan documents to your servicing buyer from one centralized place with Easy Transfer.
- Leverage the free, third-party, web-based file transfer application, Box, to transfer loan documents to your servicer of choice in one centralized place.
- Drag and drop files in a simple, secure process.
- Eliminates managing separate transfer protocols for each servicer.
- Training materials for Servicing Marketplace
- Easy Transfer Quick Start Guide
- Transfer instructions for Quick Launch servicers:
- Arvest Bank (updated September 2024)
- PNC Bank, NA (updated March 2023)
- NewRez LLC (updated March 2023)
- PHH(updated March 2024)
- Purchase and Sale Agreement in the Selling Guide
Contact your Fannie Mae account team to begin the easy onboarding process.
Why servicing-released?
Servicing-released selling provides a consistent execution option across every market cycle that helps sellers to recognize the operational and delivery efficiencies of a Fannie Mae relationship.
With our servicing-released selling options, access upfront pricing and receive all-in funding for the loan and servicing rights within 24 hours. Plus, all loans delivered are bifurcated – selling reps & warrants stay with the seller.
- Supports sellers in their search for co-issue servicing partners
- Improves liquidity by delivering a standardized process to facilitate the concurrent sale of loan and servicing rights
- Provides all-in funding for the loan and servicing asset at the same time
- Retain selling reps and warrants, plus a direct relationship with Fannie Mae
- Easy-to-use interface available through Pricing & Execution – Whole Loan
- Integrates with and accessible through seven technology service providers
- Premium rate sheet API
Technology terms & conditions
The Technology Terms and Conditions previously provided on this page are now located in the new Consolidated Technology Guide. A PDF version of the Guide and other related content is available on the Consolidated Technology Guide page.
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