Atlantic Coast Mortgage and Servicing Marketplace

Customer Success Story

Servicing Marketplace® is designed to support sellers and servicing buyers with pricing certainty, transparency, and operating efficiency for servicing-released sales. Learn how Atlantic Coast Mortgage used Servicing Marketplace to improve their loan-selling process.

The Challenge

Like many mortgage companies, Atlantic Coast Mortgage continually seeks ways to create efficiencies and improve productivity. The company’s leaders wanted to provide an easy, seamless mortgage process and improve their operational capabilities while eliminating potential human error for servicing-released transactions — resulting in a quick and precise commitment process.

To that end, and to further support their mission of offering better homebuying solutions from beginning to end, they leveraged Fannie Mae’s Servicing Marketplace to create a quicker and better experience for their employees and borrowers.

Adopting this tool allowed our relationship with Fannie Mae to grow without a hiccup, which was something we were striving for tremendously.


The Solution

For sellers who want to simultaneously sell a loan to Fannie Mae and the mortgage servicing rights (MSRs) to the servicing buyer of their choice, Servicing Marketplace provides a simpler, smarter solution for servicing-released sales.

Servicing-released sales are an important source of liquidity for MSR and should be a component of every seller’s best execution toolkit. Fannie Mae’s Servicing Marketplace removes traditional barriers to entry and simplifies MSR transfers between sellers and servicers. As a result, sellers benefit from the operational and delivery efficiencies of a direct Fannie Mae relationship. Using Servicing Marketplace allows lenders like Atlantic Coast Mortgage to streamline processes for a faster, simpler, and less ponderous mortgage experience.

Atlantic Coast Mortgage leveraged MCT’s Rapid Commit technology, which integrates with Fannie Mae’s application programming interface (API) technology, into their current pricing and committing process. This allowed the lender to download Servicing Marketplace rate sheets, generate servicing release premium (SRP) values using loan data, and create commitments within Rapid Commit’s best execution and loan sale application.

The ability to have multiple servicing buyers on the back end just means we’re able to sharpen the pencil on best execution further.


Atlantic Coast Mortgage’s setup and integration was quick and easy with minimal steps to get started. “It was pretty hands-off. We set up user credentials, exchanged some emails on the tech side of Fannie Mae, and that was it,” said John Collins, SVP, Capital Markets, Atlantic Coast Mortgage.Using Servicing Marketplace, sellers can find and initiate relationships with more than 12 servicing buyers, download servicer pricing in a standardized format, create commitments, lock in the SRP, and receive all-in funding for the loan and MSR.

The Result

Streamlined processes and a better customer experience

Atlantic Coast Mortgage achieved a more streamlined loan-selling process, which helps provide an effortless homebuying experience for borrowers while ensuring accurate loan data. The integration helped the company greatly reduce the time it takes to commit loans.

“These tools have helped us be more efficient for our borrowers. The less time we spend clicking here and clicking there with monotonous tasks, the more time we can dedicate to other value-added processes like assisting our customers on a more personal level,” explains John Collins.

MCT’s technology integration solutions made it possible to easily incorporate Servicing Marketplace into Atlantic Coast Mortgage’s best execution and pipeline risk management models.

“We saw Fannie Mae pick up an increased market share of our loans,” John Collins added. “That was partly due to our ability to execute on myriad of servicing-buyer relationships within Servicing Marketplace, so Fannie Mae stood out as a more stable buyer. With that being said, the increased volume was handled without breaking stride. From my perspective, we didn’t have to increase the workforce to account for extra volume; it all happened seamlessly.”

Thanks to Fannie Mae’s and MCT’s technology solutions, Atlantic Coast Mortgage can perform and execute business on a higher level and help more people become homeowners.

To learn more, visit the Servicing Marketplace page or contact your Fannie Mae account team.