Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
New! Fannie Mae’s Loan Pricing API helps lenders quickly get real-time pricing for loans without having to manually check or enter data. It makes the loan pricing process faster and more efficient. Contact your sales engineer or Fannie Mae representative to get started. Learn more.
Application programming interfaces (APIs) have become integral across the entire technology landscape. For mortgage lenders, APIs are being recognized as a critical technology that provides immense potential to automate process, improve opportunities and accuracy, as well as reducing costs and workloads.
Our Business Partner APIs have been specially designed and tuned to address the needs of our current customers. Leverage our Public APIs to access free public housing data. Our APIs can be found on the Fannie Mae Developer Portal.
At Fannie Mae, we are committed to improving your experience with us, as well as with your borrower. Our dedicated team will work with you directly to provide easy integration as you grow and improve your business by implementing Fannie Mae APIs.
Browse our Business Partner APIs by the stages of the loan lifecycle
AMI Lookup and HomeReady Evaluation
Leverage borrower’s AMI requirement to enable early identification of HomeReady eligible loans in advance of DU submission.
Provides access to the full appraisal data in an easily consumable file format (XML) as submitted by lenders and agents to the Uniform Collateral Data Portal (UCDP).
Get appraisal summary status, findings, messages, and Collateral Underwriter (CU) risk score to simplify appraisal summary data sharing.
Further automate the origination process by retrieving DU findings at any point in the process.
Determine in real time if a loan is owned by Fannie Mae for the purpose of identifying eligibility for underwriting and/or appraisal flexibilities.
Combines various price factors into a single easy to consume pricing response, providing enhanced price transparency.
Identify mission-oriented lending opportunities when making decisions regarding their best execution for secondary market sales.
Servicing Released Premium Pricing
Obtain indicative Servicing Released Premiums (SRP) pricing for whole loans in real-time.
Servicing Released Premium Pricing Calculator
Servicers can now automate the upload process by removing the need to log into the Fannie Mae Servicing Marketplace platform (SMP).
Whole Loan Purchase Advice Sellers
Easily retrieve loan-level financial details about the whole loan purchase.
Loan Servicing Property Valuation Order Management
Automate the process for ordering a Broker Price Opinion (BPO) or appraisal to establish the current value of a property for the purpose of evaluating a loan for Mortgage Insurance (MI) termination.
Pre-Foreclosure Property Inspections and Preservation
Automate the manual processes required to retrieve and report data for delinquent loans related to inspection requirements.
Mortgage Insurance Termination Evaluation
Quickly determine if a loan is eligible for Mortgage Insurance (MI) termination.
Buy Up Buy Down Daily
Get loan-level details from the previous day’s closed MBS pools
Committing and Delivery Fee Draft Notifications
Retrieve all adjustments made at the loan, commitment, and lender levels
Loan-Level Draft Notifications
Allow servicers to obtain draft notifications data from numerous Fannie Mae Connect reports
Automate the manual processes to ingest, reconcile, and look up amounts on open invoices
Whole Loan Purchase Advice Servicers
Easily retrieve loan-level financial details about the whole loan purchase
Featured APIs
Featured case study
Lennar Mortgage, LLC
Learn how Lennar Mortgage, LLC leveraged Fannie Mae’s DU Messages API to further streamline their underwriting processes, resulting in a significant reduction in re-work and allowing for easier identification of borrowers for their Lennar Mortgage Elite loan program.
Let's Get Started
Contact your Sales Engineer or Customer Delivery Team representative to get started. See the Quick Start Guide for more details.
Quick Start Guide