
Uniform Property Dataset

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Improving the quality and consistency of property data

To enhance data quality and consistency in property data collection, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the government-sponsored enterprises or GSEs) have worked together to develop the Uniform Property Dataset (UPD). This work responds to industry feedback requesting market standardization and fungibility, and was done as part of the Uniform Mortgage Data Program® (UMDP®). The UPD is separate from the Uniform Appraisal Dataset, although some data elements and enumerations are aligned.

The UPD consists of all required, conditionally required, and optional data elements for GSE property data collection and supports a full interior and exterior property data collection, including images and floor plan of the subject property.

See below for UPD and Property Data API information and resources.

Property data collection is the act of physically or virtually observing and reporting property characteristics in a fact-based manner. Property data collection is not an appraisal in that it does not involve the development of an opinion of value. The data collection can be performed by a trained and vetted property data collector and must adhere to the Uniform Property Dataset. Once the PDC is collected and passes quality control checks, it must be submitted to Fannie Mae’s Property Data API.

Data/images are collected and delivered consistently using the Uniform Property Dataset and Fannie Mae’s Property Data API. The process encourages the use of emerging technologies to capture property information, imagery, and floor plan. When a lender receives a value acceptance + property data offer they are required to obtain a property data collection (PDC) to validate the property description and eligibility. If the loan loses eligibility for value acceptance + property data due to changes to qualifying criteria made by the lender in DU, the PDC can be used to inform a hybrid appraisal in limited cases. The goals of this process are to provide efficiency in reducing appraisal fulfillment timelines, create more objective data, reduce bias, and address a growing appraiser capacity concern.