Originating & Underwriting

Duty to Serve – Affordable Opportunities in Underserved Markets

The Duty to Serve rule directs Fannie Mae to improve access to mortgage financing for those of modest means in three housing markets posing persistent challenges — and significant opportunities:

Manufactured housing (MH) — Including single- and multi-width MH lending, as well as MH Advantage®.

Affordable housing preservation — Including energy efficiency and shared equity mortgages.

Rural housing — Including support for Native American populations and agricultural workers, and other lending in rural areas and persistent poverty regions.

LLPAs waived for eligible loans

Loans that meet Duty to Serve requirements are eligible for LLPA waivers, lowering costs and making homeownership more affordable and attainable.

Eligible Loans

To qualify for LLPA waivers, a loan must meet three initiative-wide requirements, as well as requirements specific to the type of mortgage loan being sold (MH, energy efficiency, shared equity, high needs rural, or Native American or agricultural worker). The Duty to Serve LLPA waiver Special Feature Code (SFC) will automatically be applied to eligible loans in Desktop Underwriter® (DU®).

All Duty to Serve-eligible loans must meet the following requirements:

  • The total annual qualifying income must be ≤ 100% of the Area Median Income (AMI) for the property’s location. Lenders must refer to the AMIs that Fannie Mae uses in Desktop Underwriter® or our AMI lookup tool and may not rely on other published versions (such as AMIs posted on huduser.org).
  • The property must be an owner-occupied, principal residence.
  • The loan must be a purchase money transaction or a limited cash-out refinance (LCOR) transaction.

Additional Requirements and Resources

All MH loans must be secured by manufactured homes titled as real property.

Additional Resources:

Manufactured Housing Financing

Construction to Permanent (C-to-P) Financing

MH Titling Guide


Energy-efficiency loans must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • Be a HomeStyle® Renovation or HomeStyle Energy loan, which includes an ENERGY STAR®-certified improvement (see ENERGYSTAR.gov for details);
  • Be a refinance on an existing Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loan; or
  • Be a HomeStyle Energy loan that is projected to reduce energy or water consumption by at least 15% and provide aggregate utility savings over the life of the improvement that exceeds its cost.

Loans that meet these requirements, and leverage both HomeStyle Renovation and HomeStyle Energy qualify for both LLPA waivers and a $500 LLPA Credit.

Additional Resources:

HomeStyle Energy

HomeStyle Renovation

ENERGY STAR – certified Product List


Loans for community land trust or other shared equity properties must meet Fannie Mae’s existing shared equity requirements and have a:

  • Ground lease, deed restriction, subordinate loan, or similar legal mechanism that includes a provision that the program will keep the home affordable for subsequent very low- to moderate-income families with an affordability term of at least 30 years after recordation.
  • Resale formula that limits the homeowner’s proceeds upon resale.
  • Preemptive option for the program administrator or its assignee to purchase the home from the homeowner at resale.
  • Policy that its administrators must review and pre-approve refinances and home equity lines of credit.

Find shared equity programs that meet Fannie Mae’s Selling Guide and Duty to Serve requirements in the Certified Shared Equity Program list.

Additional Resources:

Shared Equity Lending

Community Land Trust Checklist

Community Land Trust eLearning


Loans for high-needs rural regions must finance properties in one of three FHFA-defined high-needs rural regions (HNRR) or persistent poverty rural counties OR serve high-needs populations.

  • HNRR include: Colonias, Lower Mississippi (River) Delta, and Middle Appalachia.
  • High-needs populations include: Native Americans and agricultural workers.
  • Lenders can find information on persistent poverty counties and high needs rural regions, as well as other supporting information, here.

Use our AMI lookup tool to find properties in high needs rural regions and persistent poverty counties.

Additional Resources:

97% Standard LTV

Manufactured Housing Financing


Native American Lending

HUD-184 Fact Sheet