Appraiser Update - 2022 Archive

Appraiser Update December 2022

  • Verification tips for desktop appraisals
  • Don't fear third-party data (1004 Desktop Limiting Condition 3)
  • Improve appraisal commentary with facts, not feelings

Appraiser Update September 2022

  • Why competency matters
  • A closer look at competency
  • Appraiser Diversity Initiative update

Appraiser Update June 2022

  • Use of third-party data in desktop appraisals
  • Appraiser Quality Monitoring update

Appraiser Update March 2022

  • Appraising the Appraisal
  • ANSI required April 1, 2022 – and we're not fooling
  • What you need to know about desktop appraisals
  • Who doesn't love the Noble Appraiser?