Appraiser Update Archive

Appraiser Update June 2024

  • Reconsideration of value — rights and responsibilities
  • Avoiding appraisal deficiencies
  • Short-term rentals and Form 1007

Appraiser Update March 2024

  • Progress Report Regarding Prohibited or Subjective Appraisal Language
  • Rezoning & HBU
  • Age of Comparable Sales
  • Updated Unacceptable Appraisal Practices
  • Introducing the Hybrid Appraisal Report for Condos
  • Cybersecurity Tips

Appraiser Update December 2023

  • Seller Concession Concerns
  • From the Archives
  • Find Fannie Mae Answers Fast
  • Policy Update – Manufactured Housing

Appraiser Update September 2023

  • Building innovation with 3D printed homes
  • Appraiser and Property Data Collector Independence Requirements
  • How State Tips Work
  • ANSI Answers
  • 1004D Completion Confirmation Alternatives

Appraiser Update June 2023

  • To adjust or not to adjust
  • Using image recognition technology in appraisal report reviews
  • Prohibited factors and subjective terms
  • In case you missed it: UAD redesign begins rollout phase
  • In case you missed it: Selling Guide updates

See all 2023 posts >