Applications & Technology

Income Calculator

Increase certainty of loan quality for borrowers with income from self-employment, business ownership, or rental properties


With a growing workforce of self-employed borrowers and increased awareness of using rental property to build generational wealth, originators have the opportunity to serve more borrowers. Fannie Mae’s Income Calculator provides a more efficient and accurate way to calculate income while increasing the certainty of the calculation.

  • Simplified income calculations: Ensure accuracy and efficiency by tackling complex income calculations for self-employed borrowers, rental property owners, and business owners.
  • Maximized qualifying income: By incorporating all income add-backs, the tool may help qualify more borrowers.
  • Reduced cycle times: Fast income calculation results may allow lenders to more quickly proceed with the underwriting process.
  • Compliance and reliability: The tool is in alignment with Fannie Mae Selling Guide policy and may offer enforcement relief of reps and warrants on the income calculations.

Income Calculator Availability

Every day, 24 hours a day, except from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. ET the first and third Sundays each month due to maintenance.

Webinar: See Income Calculator in action

Income Calculator was chosen as a 2025 HousingWire Tech100 Mortgage Winner.

2024: A Year of Impact


How to use Income Calculator


From our website

Income Calculator is available as a web interface where the user follows step-by-step instructions to transcribe tax return data to Income Calculator. Once the data input is completed, Income Calculator instantly provides the qualifying monthly income amount along with a downloadable PDF findings report.


  • Unlimited, free income calculations
  • Immediate response


  • Users must be mortgage professionals

Check out the tool:

Income Calculator



Full integration

Income Calculator is available via approved integrators, where the tool is accessed from the integrator’s system. The user uploads tax returns to the integrator who then extracts the tax return data, submits it to Income Calculator for evaluation, and provides the response back to the user. Lenders may also directly integrate with Income Calculator.


  • Greatly reduces manual data entry
  • Seamless experience within your existing systems


  • Contract with an authorized technology service provider
  • Contract with Fannie Mae

Contact an authorized provider for a demo:

Blueprint   Blue Sage   CoreLogic   LoanLogics   PointServ

Technology service providers (TSPs): Interested in integration opportunities with Income Calculator? Review the TSP readiness checklist.



LOS iFrame

Income Calculator is available within approved LOS providers where the user follows step-by-step instructions to transcribe tax return data to Income Calculator within the LOS. Once the data input is completed, Income Calculator instantly provides the qualifying monthly income amount along with a downloadable PDF findings report.


  • Seamless experience within your LOS


  • Contract with an authorized technology service provider

Contact an authorized provider for a demo:


Technology service providers (TSPs): Interested in integration opportunities with Income Calculator? Review the TSP readiness checklist.



Import tax return data

Approved providers extract data from the borrower’s tax documents in minutes and provide a data file for import into the Income Calculator web interface. The user must manually supplement additional required data and may adjust other data as needed before submitting for an evaluation and getting an instant response.


  • Greatly reduces manual data entry
  • Faster data extraction for quick results


  • Contract with an authorized technology service provider

Contact an authorized provider for a demo:


Technology service providers (TSPs): Interested in integration opportunities with Income Calculator? Review the TSP readiness checklist.


Compare methods to use Income Calculator:


 Fannie Mae Web InterfaceFull TSP IntegrationLOS iFrameImport File Creation
Where does the user initiate the request?Fannie Mae websiteTSP’s websiteLOSTSP’s website
How is the tax return data obtained?Manual data input by user  Electronically extracted or exported from e-filers by TSP  Manual data input by userElectronically extracted by TSP
What is the response time for tax return data extraction?N/APer TSP (generally less than 2 hours)N/APer TSP (generally less than 15 minutes)
Where is non-tax return data input (e.g. employment start date)?Fannie Mae websiteLOS (if integrated) or TSP’s websiteFannie Mae website accessed within LOSFannie Mae website
Where does the user view the response?Fannie Mae websiteTSP’s websiteFannie Mae websiteFannie Mae website
Is there a cost?NoYes – through contract with an authorized TSPYes – through contract with an authorized LOSYes – through contract with an authorized TSP
Is a signed Fannie Mae agreement required?NoYesNoNo
Am I required to be an authorized Fannie Mae seller?NoNoNoNo