Coming soon: Lookup tool for HOAs

In Q3 2024, Fannie Mae will introduce a new online lookup tool for homeowners’ associations (HOAs) and their management companies to view project ineligibility information. Stay tuned for further updates.


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Meet Our Data Collection Vendors

Our vendors are authorized to obtain condo project documents and data on Fannie Mae's behalf and have been selected based on their ability to do so.

Precedent Management   Phoenix Mortgage Services

All information provided to our data partners is subject to our rigorous information security program. This data will be used to determine the eligibility of your condo project for potential mortgage financing.

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Take the Shortcut to Condo Project Eligibility

Accessing condo project information with Fannie Mae's Condo Project Manager™ (CPM™) can help streamline lender project eligibility reviews.

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Condo Project Eligibility by the Numbers


At Fannie Mae, we're committed to fostering collaborative partnerships that drive safety and sustainability in the housing market.