Fannie Mae Selling and Servicing Policy Archives

The Fannie Mae Selling and Servicing policy archives allow you to quickly access current and past policy materials.  

Our archives allow you to search for Selling and Servicing policy communications by year and/or by communication type which include:

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In addition, you can find our In Case You Missed It job aid, which summarizes Selling Guide, Servicing Guide and other policy communications for years 2012 to present. 

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January 14, 2015 - This update contains previously communicated policy changes related to compensatory fees for delays in the liquidation process and the Fannie Mae MyCity Modification. This update also announces miscellaneous revisions to the Allowable Foreclosure Attorney Fees Exhibit, Fannie Maes Adverse Action Notice (Form 182), and Fannie Maes SCRA Reporting and Disbursement Request Form (Form 1022).

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (January 14, 2015)

December 23, 2014 - This Lender Letter provides advance notification to servicers of changes to foreclosure bidding instructions and third party sales. The servicer is encouraged to implement these requirements as early as February 1, 2015, but must do so no later than March 1, 2015, for all mortgage loans with a foreclosure sale to occur on or after April 15, 2015.

December 18, 2014 - Updates policy requirements for the Fannie Mae MyCity Modification workout option.

December 16, 2014 - The update contains policy changes pertaining to self-employed income policy, solar panels, payment calculation for student loans, flood insurance alignment with new federal law, cure provision for points and fees alignment with the CFPB rule, and other miscellaneous updates and changes.

Selling Guide - PDF Version (December 16, 2014)

December 10, 2014 - This update contains policy changes related to loss drafts processing and borrower incentive payments for an executed Mortgage Release.

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (December 10, 2014)

December 5, 2014 - Expanded LTV, CLTV, and HCLTV Ratios for Purchase and Limited Cash-out Refinances

November 25, 2014 - Information on the 2015 general and high-cost area conforming loan limits, and resources including the updated Loan Limit Lookup Table, are available on the Loan Limits web page.

November 20, 2014 - This update provides lenders with more certainty regarding when Fannie Mae will enforce remedies, including repurchase, related to the life of loan exclusions for misstatements, misrepresentations, omissions and data inaccuracies; makes other updates related to Unacceptable Mortgage Products, Compliance with Laws, and post-purchase file reviews; and includes reminders relating to lenders right to appeal repurchase requests.

November 17, 2014 - Provides notification of upcoming compensatory fee changes and updates to two Servicing Guide Exhibits located on Fannie Maes website.

November 13, 2014 - This Lender Letter provides advance notification to servicers of changes to certain investor reporting requirements that will become effective in or around the third quarter of 2016.

November 12, 2014 - Fannie Mae is announcing the publication of the new Single-Family Servicing Guide (Servicing Guide), which will replace the 2012 Servicing Guide (as updated by Announcements) in its entirety.

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (November 12, 2014)

November 10, 2014 - The update contains policy changes with regard to project standards policy; liability insurance requirements; reduction in the maximum LTV, CLTV, and HCLTV ratios for fixed-rate cash-out refinance transactions from 85 to 80; loan-level price adjustments to mortgage loans for borrowers without credit score; underwriting requirements for borrowers with multiple financed properties; electronic submission of loan files via the National Underwriting Center File Transfer Portal or Lender Direct by February 1, 2015; clarification to the mortgage insurance policy; and other changes.

Selling Guide - PDF Version (November 11, 2014)

October 28, 2014 - Fannie Mae suspends the Maryland Housing Fund as an approved provider of mortgage insurance.

October 17, 2014 - This Announcement provides new guidance for handling insurance losses. In addition, the Report of Property (Hazard) Insurance Loss (Form 176) has been updated and is available on Fannie Maes website.

October 15, 2014 - This Announcement provides updates and clarifications for several servicing policies, including execution of legal documents and document preparation and costs related to Mortgage Releases.

October 1, 2014 - This Announcement updates several servicing policies and the Delinquency Status Code Hierarchy and Definitions.

September 30, 2014 - The update contains policy changes with regard to employment-related assets as qualifying income; policy update to accept third-party vendor verifications of asset and depository information; clarifications to the current title insurance requirements, including Texas and Texas 50(a)(6); updates to allow delivery of HUD-guaranteed Section 184 mortgage loans and RD-guaranteed Section 502 loans as standard products; rental income and the publication of three rental income worksheets; updates to the list of Fannie Mae-approved mortgage insurance Forms for mortgage insurance providers; and other changes.

Selling Guide - PDF Version (September 30, 2014)

September 8, 2014 - This Announcement updates several servicing policies and related Fannie Mae forms.

August 26, 2014 - The update contains implementation of Suspended Counterparty Program (SCP) established by FHFA, clarification of Fannie Maes policies regarding allowable age of credit documents and requirements pertaining to lender review of disputed tradelines; removal of references to loans with terms greater than 30 years, interest-only, growing-equity mortgages, and loans with prepayment penalties; and other changes.