Excess Attorney Fee - Cost Guidelines
Fannie Mae’s approval is required for all foreclosure or bankruptcy-related attorney fees and title costs that exceed the maximum allowable amount set forth in our Servicing Guide, Servicing Guide exhibits and related updates, or other Fannie Mae guidance.
AAA Matrix
The Attorney Authorization Approval (AAA) Matrix provides state-specific excess fees/costs process guidelines and includes a process overview, as well as additional procedures and specific request requirements. The matrix references applicable Servicing Guide provisions and other policies. Fannie Mae requires the attorneys to submit all excess fee and title cost requests. Requests made by servicers will not be accepted.
The matrix contains five sections:
- Allowable Fees and Costs
- Standard Excess Fees and Costs
- Non-Standard Excess Fees
- Ineligible Excess Fees and Costs
- Historical Allowable Fees and Costs