Fannie Mae Selling and Servicing Policy Archives

The Fannie Mae Selling and Servicing policy archives allow you to quickly access current and past policy materials.  

Our archives allow you to search for Selling and Servicing policy communications by year and/or by communication type which include:

  • announcements 
  • guides
  • lender letters
  • notices 

In addition, you can find our In Case You Missed It job aid, which summarizes Selling Guide, Servicing Guide and other policy communications for years 2012 to present. 

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July 6, 2022 - This Lender Letter notifies lenders of the mandatory use of the Supplemental Consumer Information Form (SCIF/Form 1103) for loans sold to the GSEs with application dates on or after March 1, 2023. The purpose of this Lender Letter is to notify the industry of this requirement well in advance of the mandatory effective date so that they can begin submitting the updated data in their loan submission files.

July 6, 2022 - The July Selling Guide update adds requirements for compliance with State Address Confidentiality programs, revises the required version of title insurance forms, and clarifies how to calculate the LTV ratio for manufactured housing subdivisions. This Announcement also describes updates to the list of approved mortgage insurers and approved mortgage insurance forms.

June 24, 2022 - this Lender Letter provides requirements that apply specifically to loans impacted by the Equifax coding issue.

On June 24, 2022, the 2022 AMIs will be implemented in Desktop Underwriter® (DU®) and published on our website for use with manually underwritten loans. DU will apply the 2022 limits to new DU loan casefiles created on or after June 24. Loan casefiles created prior to June 24 will continue to use the 2021 limits. For manually underwritten loans, lenders are encouraged to use the 2022 limits immediately but are required to use them for loans with application dates on or after Aug. 1, 2022.

The Document Custodian Notice includes the following topic:

  • Updated Document Transfer Job Aid – Dated June 2022

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (June 8, 2022)

June 8, 2022 - The June Servicing Guide update transitions the process for ordering liquidation-related property valuations to Servicing Management Default Underwriter™ (SMDU), which now consolidates all servicer valuation orders into a single platform, and makes several miscellaneous clarifications and updates.

Fannie Mae was recently informed by Equifax® Inc. of a coding issue that may have resulted in errors to consumer credit scores and credit data reported by Equifax from March 17 to April 6, 2022. In light of the coding issue, lenders are reminded of their obligations under the Selling Guide to correct erroneous credit data, ensure the accuracy of the credit data submitted to Desktop Underwriter® (DU®) at the time of loan sale, and to provide any corrected information to us.

Selling Guide - PDF Version (June 1, 2022)

June 1, 2022 - The June Selling Guide update allows a two-closing construction-to-permanent loan to include certain documented construction cost overruns, clarifies the definition of a group home and related property eligibility, better aligns our policy for calculating the fully indexed Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) rate with Regulation Z requirements, and more.

The Document Custodian Notice includes the following topic:
Update of the Active Document Custodians list for 2022

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (May 11, 2022)

May 11, 2022 - The May Servicing Guide update incorporates previously announced policies regarding unrecorded assignments of mortgage, changes the method of managing drafting instructions for certain remittances, provides notice of transition to a new default foreclosure and bankruptcy data reporting system, and more.

Selling Guide - PDF Version (May 4, 2022)

May 4, 2022 - The May Selling Guide update adds requirements for the use of virtual currency, modifies the policy relating to foreign assets, adds details on Community Seconds® provider eligibility, eliminates certain requirements related to unrecorded assignments of mortgage, and more.

Updated May 4, 2022 - Updates the provisions regarding the suspension of foreclosure-related activities and filing motions for relief from the automatic stay in certain bankruptcy cases.

Updated May 4, 2022 - this Lender Letter update adjusts the terms for a Flex Modification with reduced eligibility criteria for COVID-19 impacted borrowers to provide an opportunity to reduce their interest rate, regardless of the mortgage loan’s mark-to-market loan-to-value ratio.

The Document Custodian Notice includes the following topic:
• Publication of a revised Requirement for Document Custodians (RDC)
• Publication of a revised Document Certification Job Aid

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (April 13, 2022)

April 13, 2022 - The April Servicing Guide update clarifies requirements related to the completion of transfers of ownership of a property, removes the requirement to suspend reporting to the credit bureaus in certain instances related to U.S. servicemembers, and more.

April 6, 2022 - The April Selling Guide update includes changes to allow the use of an attorney title opinion letter in lieu of a title insurance policy for certain transactions, aligns the Selling Guide with high-balance loan-level price adjustment (LLPA) waiver changes announced in LL-2022-01, clarifies when a new desktop appraisal is required based on the age of the appraisal and that American National Standards Institute® (ANSI®) measurement standards do not apply to desktop appraisals, and more.

Selling Guide - PDF Version (April 6, 2022)

Updated April 6, 2022 – This Lender Letter provides information about a new refinance option – RefiNow™ – that will enable more borrowers to refinance to a lower interest rate and reduce their monthly mortgage payment.

The Document Custodian Notice includes the following topic:
Revised Job Aid for review and certification of HomeStyle Renovation Loan Agreements

March 2, 2022 - The March Selling Guide update includes changes to single-close construction-to-permanent transaction requirements, adds Condo Project Manager™ (CPM™) status designations to align with the enhancements in the March 4 CPM release, and simplifies policy for the allowable interest rate permitted on a Community Seconds® transaction.