Fannie Mae Selling and Servicing Policy Archives

The Fannie Mae Selling and Servicing policy archives allow you to quickly access current and past policy materials.  

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December 14, 2016 - This update contains policy changes related to verifying master project insurance, maximum allowable foreclosure attorney fees for judicial states, and servicing fees for redeemable mortgage loans and third-party foreclosure sales.

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (December 14, 2016)

December 13, 2016 - Fannie Mae is introducing a new mortgage loan modification jointly developed with Freddie Mac at the direction of the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

Selling Guide - PDF Version (December 6, 2016)

December 6, 2016 - The following updates were made in December; asset and employment validation offered through the Desktop Underwriter (DU) validation service starting on December 10, 2016, introduces freedom from reps and warrants on property value for loans with a Collateral Underwriter risk score of 2.5 or lower effective December 10, 2016, removes the Property Inspection Waiver fee for loans delivered to Fannie Mae on or after January 1, 2017. The fee for the DU Refi Plus Property Fieldwork Waiver is also discontinued for loans delivered on or after January 1, 2017, clarifies when lenders must update appraisers of changes to a sales contract, and and other miscellaneous updates.

November 23, 2016 - Information on the 2017 general and high-cost area loan limits and updated resources are available. The loan limits increase for the first time since 2006.

November 9, 2016 - This update contains policy changes related to deadlines to submit requests for expense reimbursement, defined expense limits, servicing transfers, clarifications related to mortgage loan modifications, and a miscellaneous revision.

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (November 9, 2016)

October 24, 2016 - The following updates were made in October; introduced the new optional DU validation service for income; made property inspection waivers available for eligible refinance transactions; enhanced the HomeReady affordable product; removed the project review requirements for certain detached condos; improved liquidity options through Fannie Majors and MBS pooling parameters requirements; and other miscellaneous updates.

Selling Guide - PDF Version (October 24, 2016)

October 19, 2016 - This update contains policy changes related to remitting duplicate MI premium refunds, protecting property interest after a foreclosure sale, clarification of non-recoverable expenses related to reinstatements and payoffs, Form 190 updates, and servicing eMortgages.

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (October 19, 2016)

September 14, 2016 - This update contains policy changes related to the Foreclosure Time Frames and Compensatory Fee Allowable Delays Exhibit, Mortgage Insurer Delegations for Workout Options, and Form 3179 and Form 181 Loan Modification Agreement Instructions.

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (September 14, 2016)

August 30, 2016 - Describing the Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) process The IDR framework, announced earlier this year, is now incorporated into the Selling Guide along with other updates.

Selling Guide - PDF Version (August 30, 2016)

August 17, 2016 - This update contains policy changes related to Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR), the Allowable Foreclosure Attorney Fee for NY, Termination of Conventional MI, Suspending Foreclosure for a Streamlined Modification Offer, Servicing Government Mortgage Loans, and MI Claim Filing Documentation.

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (August 17, 2016)

July 26, 2016 - This lender letter provides you with specific information about changes to the MassHousing Mortgage Insurance Fund requirements as well as updates to the Approved Mortgage Insurers and Related Identifiers and Approved Mortgage Insurance Forms lists.

July 26, 2016 - The update includes enhancements to HomeReady that provide additional flexibility and expanded options to meet the homeownership education requirement; accept homeownership education from a Community Seconds or Down Payment Assistance Program, if the providers are HUD-approved counseling agencies; and provide an additional homeownership education option for borrowers who obtain customized assistance from a HUD-approved agency and a completed Form 1017.

Selling Guide - PDF Version (July 26, 2016)

July 13, 2016 - This update contains policy changes related to post-foreclosure bankruptcies, short sale offer acknowledgement, and pooled from portfolio (PFP) mortgage loans.

Servicing Guide - PDF Version (July 13, 2016)

June 28, 2016 - The update includes simplifying the way income limits are applied for HomeReady; update to the policy on self-employed income; removal of the policy that limits refinances of restructured mortgage loans; and update to the policy on project insurance specific to mortgagee clause.

Selling Guide - PDF Version (June 28, 2016)