Desktop Underwriter Job Aids


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Submitting a Retail Loan Casefile for an Underwriting Recommendation

For ease of reference, we will generally use the term “DU” to refer to Desktop Originator® and Desktop Underwriter® (DO®/DU®).

This document shows you how to submit a retail loan casefile for an underwriting recommendation in DU.

Note: If you need to submit a wholesale loan casefile (i.e. a loan casefile to a sponsoring lender) refer to Submitting a wholesale loan casefile for an underwriting recommendation.

If you have not yet ordered or reissued a credit report for the loan casefile, you will need to do so before you can request an underwriting recommendation.  For details, see Ordering a new credit report or Reissuing a credit report.  The first step, below, assumes that you are in the Quick 1003 for the loan casefile you want to submit and that you have already ordered or reissued a credit report.

  1. When you have completed all of the sections of the 1003 that are required for underwriting, scroll to the bottom of any 1003 section and click Submit.

  2. The Select Credit and Underwriting Options screen appears.  In the list box, click Underwriting Only, then click Next.

  3. The Select an Underwriting Service screen appears.  Select Desktop Underwriter, then click Submit.

  1. The Processing screen appears indicating the status of your request.  Simply wait for the processing to complete.

  2. The Loan Information screen displays the status of your underwriting request.  When the underwriting findings become available, the underwriting recommendation appears as a link under Underwriting Recommendation.

    You can click the link for the recommendation to view the Underwriting Findings report and the Underwriting Analysis report.  You can also click the View Findings link in the navigation bar of the Loan Information screen.  For details, see Viewing the Underwriting Findings and Underwriting Analysis reports.

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