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Possible Error Types and How to Fix Them

Possible error types that are listed on both the Delinquency Exception Details Report and Delinquency Exception Summary Report in HomeSaver SolutionsTM Network (HSSN) are listed below.

Many of the error types will be due to issues discovered in the file you uploaded as they would not be technically possible if you had manually keyed in the delinquent loan in HSSN directly.

Some of the error types will only be discovered once Fannie Mae compares the data submitted with data from its own systems.

To avoid being written up in a STAR (Servicer Total Achievement and RewardsTM) review and/or possible related penalties, you must fix ALL errors when reporting the delinquency data for these loans prior to the 10th of the current month’s report.

This job aid explains how to correct error messages and is divided into two sections: Critical Error Messages and Non-Critical Error Messages.

  •  Critical error messages are those that must be fixed before the reporting period is over; otherwise, the loan will not be counted during the month’s reporting. This reporting directly impacts the “delinquency counters” that then directly impacts whether the loan will be able to reclass if it’s in an MBS Trust. If the error is not fixed, then that loan will not get a counter.  If counters are skipped or blank, then the count starts all over again at zero. If a loan needs to be reclassed, it won’t be able to since Fannie Mae will think the loan hasn’t been delinquent long enough.
  • Non-critical error messages occur when data is inconsistent, but the error is not critical enough to reject the reporting. If a non-critical error message is not fixed, the loan will still get counted in the counters and have no impact on delinquency reporting.

Critical Error Messages

Error Message Description How to fix it…
Please enter a valid 10-digit Loan Number. Fannie Mae Loan Number is not 10-digits. Enter a valid 10-digit Fannie Mae Loan Number.
Invalid Fannie Mae Loan Number. Please ensure the loan is reported on the Investor Reporting application. This error will appear if the loan is NOT in the Investor Reporting application. Verify that the loan is reported in the Investor Reporting application.
Invalid Servicer Number The Servicer Number is invalid. Verify and, if required, correct the Servicer Number within HSSN – Delinquency Reporting.
Loan is 30 plus days delinquent per most recent Loan Activity Reporting. Please provide Delinquency Reporting as required. Loan is showing as 30 or more days delinquent in the Investor Reporting application and no Status and Reason Code is reported. Enter a Status Code and Reason Code.
Invalid Reason Code A Reason Code was entered that does not exist in the valid reason code list. Enter a valid Reason Code. For a list of valid reason codes refer to Available Delinquency Reason Codes.
Invalid Status Code A Status Code was entered that does not exist in the valid Status Code list. Enter a valid Status Code. For a list of valid Status Codes refer to Available Delinquency Status Codes.
Blank Status Code The Status Code field is blank. Enter a Status Code.
Blank Reason Code The Reason Code field is blank, and the corresponding Status Code is anything other than 42 – Delinquent/No Action. Enter a Reason Code.
Missing Default Effective Date. Default Effective Date is required when Status Code = 09, 12, 15, 17, 80, BF, or AW The loan has a Status Code of 09, 12, 15, 17, 80, BF, or AW but a Default Effective Date has not been entered.   You must enter an Effective Date if the loan has a Status Code of 09, 12, 15, 17, 80, BF, or AW. Take one of the following actions:
  • Change the Status Code to anything but  09, 12, 15, 17, 80, BF, or AW
  • Enter a default Effective Date
Missing Default Completion Date. Default Completion Date is required when Status Code = 09, 12, 15, 17, or BF. The loan has a Status Code of 09, 12, 15, 17, or BF but a Default Completion Date has not been entered.  You must enter a Completion Date if the loan has a Status Code of 09, 12, 15, 17, or BF. Take one of the following actions:
  • Change the Status Code to anything but 09, 12, 15, 17, or BF.
  • Enter a default Completion Date
Default Effective Date must be prior to Completion Date The loan has a Default Effective Date that is prior to the Default Completion Date. Take one of the following actions:
  • Change the default Effective Date to a date that is prior to the default Completion Date.   
  • Change the default Completion Date to a date that is greater than the default Effective Date.
Plan Duration cannot exceed 999 months If the Plan Duration is > 999 (Plan Effective Date - Plan Completion Date where loans reported status code = 09, 12, 15, 17, or BF), use the whole date for comparison. Verify that the correct plan and completion dates are reported.
Per Servicing Policy LL-2023-03, Impact of COVID-19 on Servicing, the reason for delinquency code 022 must have been continuously reported prior to October 2023 and continue to be reported as such until the hardship is resolved. Beginning October 2023 the servicer must report the applicable reason for delinquency code related to the underlying hardship in accordance with Servicing Guide F-1-21, Reporting a Delinquent Mortgage Loan via Fannie Mae's Servicing Solutions System for any now financial hardships resulting from COVID-19. A reason code of 022 (COVID-19) was entered in the current reporting period but was not reported prior to 11/1/23 and is therefore considered a new hardship reason. Enter a Reason Code other than 022.

Non-Critical Error Messages

Error Message Description How to fix it…
Illogical Loss Mitigation and Status Code Reported For the prior 3 (X) consecutive months, a loan is reported with any delinquency status code from the following list: 15, 17, 27, 28, 29, 44, 61, BF, H5 and no Active HSSN case exists for the loan number.  
An Active case exists if the status is Approved, In Review, Awaiting Review, Closed, Trial, Approved for Trial, and Completed for 12 (Y) periods.
X defines the number of consecutive months (3 months) a loan can be reported with any of the delinquency codes listed above (either the same code or any combination of the listed codes for 6 consecutive months).  

Y defines the number pf periods (12 months) to look back to determine if the case moved to a competed status.

Take one of the following actions:
•    Either change the Status Code (if the code is incorrect); or
•    Report the appropriate workout case in HSSN.
Number of months between Effective Date and Completion Date is more than <parameter value> months. The initial parameter value is set at 12. The loan has a Forbearance (09) or Repayment Plan (12) and the Default Completion Date must be X months or less after the Default Effective Date.  Duration cannot exceed (12) months without Fannie Mae approval (including Covid FB). Take one of the following actions:
•    Change the default Completion Date to a date that is less than X months after the default Effective Date
•    Obtain approval from Fannie Mae.  This is a non-critical exception therefore it will continue to remain on the report even after approval
Illogical Code Combination Validate the Reason/Status Code combinations.

Examples of invalid Status/Reason Code combinations include:

Status Code is Forbearance (09) and Reason Code is:

  • 008 – Abandonment of Property
  • 031 – Unable to Contact Borrower

Status Code is Repayment Plan (12) and Reason Code is:

  • 008 – Abandonment of Property
  • 012 – Inability to Sell Property
  • 029 – Transfer of Ownership
  • 031 – Unable to Contact Borrower

Status Code is Refinance (26) and Reason Code is:

  • 008 – Abandonment of Property
  • 031 – Unable to Contact Borrower

Status Code is Assumption (27) and Reason Code is:

  • 008 – Abandonment of Property
  • 031 – Unable to Contact Borrower

Status Code is Modification (28) and Reason Code is:

  • 008 – Abandonment of Property

Status Code is Probate (31) and Reason Code is:

  • INC – Incarceration

Additional Examples of Illogical Codes


Status Code is Deed-in-lieu (44) and Reason Code is:

  • 008 – Abandonment of Property
  • 029 – Transfer of Ownership
  • 031 – Unable to Contact Borrower

Status Code is Assignment (49) and Reason Code is:

  • 001 – Death of Principal Mortgagor
  • 031 – Unable to Contact Borrower

Status Code is Assignment (15) and Reason Code is:

  • 008 – Abandonment of Property
  • 031 – Unable to Contact Borrower

Status Code is Assignment (AW) and Reason Code is:

  • 031 – Unable to Contact Borrower

Status Code is Assignment (BF or H5) and Reason Code is:

  • 008 – Abandonment of Property
Enter a logical Status Code and Reason Code combination.
Illogical Deselect Response and Status Code is 09, 12, 15, 17,or BF This error message will appear when the following sequence of events has occurred:
  • First, the loan has been previously reported as either 5 consecutive months of forbearance (Status Code 09) or 17 consecutive months of Repayment Plan (Status Code 12).
  • Next, the servicer deselected the loan to keep it from being reclassed.
  • Then, lastly, in the following month, the servicer did not change the Status Code from 09 or 12. This means that regardless of the deselection request, the loan will be reclassed. The servicer must change the Status Code to anything but 09 or 12 to prevent this from occurring.
If the loan is in the MBS Trust issued from 6/1/07 through 12/1/08, then review the code reported for correctness.  If correct, do not change.                                                                    If the loan is not in the MBS Trust issued from 6/1/07 through 12/1/08 then review the code reported and only if appropriate, change the Status Code to anything but 09, 12, 15, 17, or BF.
Illogical Reclass Notif. Prior Month and Status Reported Loan has a reclassification notification in prior month and current Status Code is not 43. Verify that the appropriate Status Code is being reported. Reclassification is not required for Foreclosure status.
A Quality Right Party Contact has been reported. Previous months reporting indicates a workout or forbearance was already in progress This message will appear when the current month delinquency status code = AW and the previous month delinquency status code = 09, 12, 15, 17, or BF. Verify that reporting for this month is accurate and make corrections if applicable.
Loan Reported with a Delinquency Status Code is (12, BH) for more than expected consecutive months Loan is reported with a delinquency status code 12 for more than X consecutive months regardless of plan change.   Note: X is an input parameter. Verify that reporting for this month is accurate and make corrections if applicable.
Loan Reported with a Delinquency Status Code is (09, 15, 17, BF, BI, BO) for more than expected consecutive months Loan is reported with a delinquency status code of 09,15, 17, or BF for more than X consecutive months regardless of plan change.    Note: X is an input parameter. Verify that reporting for this month is accurate and make corrections if applicable.
Loan Reported with a Delinquency Status Code = 80 for more than expected consecutive months Loan is reported with a delinquency status code of 80 for more than X consecutive months regardless of plan change.    Note: X is an input parameter. Verify that reporting for this month is accurate and make corrections if applicable.