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Property Eligibility Flag

“Critical” Proprietary Messages and “Fatal” Uniform Collateral Data Portal (UCDP) Edits alert lenders to potential property eligibility/policy compliance issues. The fatal edits and the critical messages result in a “Not Successful” UCDP status, requiring either resubmission of a corrected appraisal or manual override in UCDP. The manual override will change the UCDP status to Successful but will not eliminate the CU flag nor the CU message display. After a manual override, the manual override reason code is displayed in the CU message list.

NOTE: CU does not provide “approvals” or “denials” of appraisals. Lenders remain responsible for assessment of the appraisal in accordance with provisions of the Fannie Mae Selling Guide.

Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) Edits

The first component of this flag is the fatal Uniform Appraisal Dataset, or UAD, edits. These are the joint Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac edits that cause a Not Successful submission status in Uniform Collateral Data Portal® (UCDP®) and require a manual override or resubmission of a corrected appraisal.

Any appraisal with a fatal UAD edit causing a Not Successful status in UCDP will receive the Property Eligibility flag and an elevated risk score.   

Critical Proprietary Messages

The second component is the Critical Proprietary Messages. These are the 22 messages that require manual override or resubmission of a corrected appraisal. More information about these 22 messages can be found on the UCDP web page.

These messages highlight potential policy compliance or property eligibility violations.  

Any appraisal with one of the 22 critical Proprietary Messages will also receive this flag and an elevated risk score. It is important to note that entering an Override reason will not clear this flag or change the score, but it will result in a Successful Submission status. Override codes are available in UCDP, on the Submission Summary Report, or SSR, or in the CU user interface, so you can ensure that an appropriate reason has been provided.