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Policy for User IDs and System IDs

See the below details and practices for User IDs and System IDs.

ID Type Purpose of ID ID Restrictions Password Reset Frequency Required Who Can Manage?

User ID


To allow an end user to access the user interface (UI) of a Fannie Mae application


Not to be used for application-to-application integration nor shared amongst end users


Reset password every 30, 60, or 90 days

Exception: Federated users will follow their organization password reset requirements and do not need to reset password for Fannie Mae credentials every 30, 60, or 90 days

Corporate Administrators 
and User Administrators


System ID


For application to application integration


Not to be used to access the user interface (UI) of a Fannie Mae application other than for the purpose of authorizing access to a Fannie Mae data integration


Reset password / SSH keys (B2B/SFTP transactions only) every 365 days


Corporate Administrators see Managing System IDs for a Corporate Administrator

User Administrators (only if the Customer Profile doesn’t allow for a Corporate Administrator). See Managing System IDs for User Administrator 


Passwords Criteria:

  1. Be exactly 8 characters long
  2. Contain at least 1 numeral
  3. Contain at least 1 capital letter
  4. Contain at least 1 of @ or _ or -

SSH Key Criteria:

RSA 2048 bits (3072 bits or greater recommended) or ED25519 (greater than or equal to 256 bits)