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Set up or Update Email Notification Contacts
Loan Quality Connect is designed to foster improved speed and efficiency in communication. In the Loan Quality Connect application you have real time updates, status, and communications while logged into the system.
Loan Quality Connect can send email notifications to individuals fulfilling different roles in your company to alert them to various events within the system.
Types of Email Notifications
Loan Quality Connect has the following types of email notifications that are sent out based on notification roles(s):
Initial Loan File and Missing Document Request - notifies the lender when a loan file or missing document is being requested on a loan.
Canceled Document/Loan File Request - notifies the lender when we have canceled the request for a document or loan file on a previously requested missing document and/or a complete underwriting loan.
Notice of Potential Defect (NOPD) - notifies the lender when Fannie Mae identifies one more significant Defects on a loan. Note: NOPD's are not triggered for servicing violations, voluntary repurchases, or any life of loan related issues.
Initial Resolution Request - notifies the lender when Fannie Mae identifies one more Significant Defects on a loan. This is the formal start of the remediation timeline per the Selling Guide (A2-3.2-03).
Resolution Reaffirm - notifies the lender when at least one Significant Defect remains after an Appeal, via a reaffirmation letter notification of the resolution request.
Resolution Second Reaffirm - notifies the lender when a reaffirmation is made a second time and at least one Significant Defect remains on the resolution request.
Resolution Rescind - notifies the lender when the resolution request has been rescinded.
Lender Request of Extension (Request for Late Delivery) - Approved or Denied Late Delivery Decision: notifies the lender when on the decision to extend the due date on the requested: loan file, missing document, or resolution request.
Repurchase /Reimburse No Response - 15 Day Timeline Exceeded: notifies the lender when no response has been received after 15 days from the initial resolution date.
Repurchase/Reimburse No Response - 60 Day Timeline Exceeded: notifies the lender when responses has been received after 60 days from the initial resolution date.
Initial Data Adjustment Request - notifies the lender when one or more data elements are incorrect or missing at delivery of the loan.
Self Report Additional Information Needed - notifies the lender when additional information is needed on a lender self-report or voluntary repurchase.
HSR Lener Action Required- notifes the lender when additional information is needed on a Homestyle Renovation request.
HSR Recourse Removal in Process - notifies the lender when a loan is in the process for recourse removal.
HSR Review Complete - notifies the lender when the HomeStyle Renovation review is complete.
Completion Near or Past Due HSR Loan Selection - notifies the lender when a loan is near or past the allowable time frame for renovation completion.
Impasse Letter - notifies lender when a reaffirmation is made on the remaining defects on the loan review.
Management Escalation Letter - notifies lender when a reaffirmation is made after escalation is complete.
Setting Up or Updating Contacts/Notifications
- Open the Contact Update/Notifications form.
- Complete the required fields for each user. Listed below are the field names and descriptions: Action (i.e., add, update, or delete instructions)
- Action - request type (i.e., add, update, or delete)
- Seller Servicer 9 Digit Number - enter all seller servicer number(s) that applies to the user
Lender Full Name
Lender First name
Lender Last name
Contact Email
Phone number
Contact Type - select from the available options
Responsible Party Follow Up Document Request - will receive reminder notifications on a previously requested missing document.
Responsible Party Initial Loan File Request - will receive the first request for the loan file.
Responsible Party Notification - will receive the first notification of a missing document after Fannie Mae receives the initial loan file.
Responsible Party Repurchase Request - will receive notification of any resolution requests, including NOPD, Repurchase Alternatives and any reaffirmations.
Responsible Party Other - will receive any notification from the Data Validation Center (DVC) and HomeStyle Renovation (HSR).
Responsible Party Self Report - will receive notification when additional information is needed on a lender self reports.
When the spreadsheet is complete, attach it to an email to [email protected] to request the update.