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Search for Loan(s)

To search for a request(s), follow the steps below:

  1. Click Search.

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  1. Enter desired search criteria in appropriate Search Criteria fields.
  2. Click Search.

Note: HSR Extension was selected in the HSR Request Type drop-down box.

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Result: Criteria matched requests display.

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Creating A HomeStyle Renovation Request

To create a request for a HomeStyle Renovation Extension or Recourse Removal, follow the steps below:

Locate the loan in your HomeStyle Renovation Queue by using the loan status filters or search for your loan using the Search button.

If... Then...
loan is found your HomeStyle Renovation Queue proceed to Loan Found in your HomeStyle Renovation Queue section immediately below.
loan is Not found in your HomeStyle Renovation Queue proceed to Loan Not Found in your HomeStyle Renovation Queue section.

Loan Found in your HomeStyle Renovation Queue

If the loan is found in the search, create a HomeStyle Renovation request by following the steps below:

Note: If requesting a second or third extension or recourse removal on a loan that previously had an extension approved, create a new request instead of editing the existing one.

  1. Click Fannie Mae Loan Number hyperlink.
  2. Click Create HSR Request.

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  1. Select the appropriate drop-down selections and enter information in ALL fields.

Note: The system will NOT allow users to proceed with the request if any information is left blank.

Note: Drop-down selections will vary based upon the request type HSR Extension or HSR Recourse Removal.

HSR Extension


  HSR Recourse Removal

  1. Review the Supporting Documentation section to identify documents to upload, per request type.

  1. Select the appropriate Document Type from the fields drop-down list.
  2. Click Browse and locate the appropriate document.
  3. Click Upload.

Note: Uploaded documents will display in the Document Type section of the screen.

  1. If the request is for Recourse Removal, Click Certification checkbox.
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  2. Click Save & Submit.

 Note: The request process is complete.

  1. Click Okay.


Loan NOT Found in your HomeStyle Renovation Queue

If the loan is not found in the search results, create an HomeStyle Renovation request, following the steps below:

Note: If requesting a second or third extension or recourse removal on a loan that previously had an extension approved, create a new                         request instead of editing the existing one.

  1. Click Create HSR Request.

  1. Select the appropriate drop-down selections and enter information in ALL fields.

Note: The system will NOT allow you to proceed with the request if any information is left blank.

Note: Fannie Mae loan numbers consist of 10-digits and typically start with 401 or 402.

Note: Drop-down selections will vary based upon the request type - HSR Extension or HSR Recourse Removal.

HSR Extension                                                                                                                     

HSR Recourse Removal

  1.  Review the Supporting Documentation section to identify documents to upload, per request type.

  1. Select the appropriate Document Type from the fields drop-down list.
  2. Click Browse and locate the appropriate document.
  3. Click Upload.

Note: Uploaded documents will display in the Document Type section on the screen.

  1. If the request is for Recourse Removal, click Certification checkbox.

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  1. Click Save & Submit.

Note: Click Submit & Create New to create multiple requests at the same time. A new form will display for informational entry.

Note: Process is complete.

  1. Click Okay.