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Manual Entry Overview

Loan Delivery is designed to allow the new demographic information to be entered exactly as the borrower submitted it. Borrowers have the right to decline to provide any or all of the demographic information. However, for loan applications taken in person, the originating financial institution is required to collect this information based on visual observation or surname, if the borrower refuses to provide it.

Accessing Demographic Information in Loan Delivery

Follow these steps to manually deliver the new borrower demographic information in Loan Delivery.

  1. Locate the Borrower(s) section on the Loan Details page.

  2. Enter the total number of borrowers in the Number of Borrowers box and click the check box for Use New Demographic Information (applies to every borrower).

NOTE: If there are multiple borrowers on a loans demographic information must be provided for all borrowers using the same fields. If there is a single borrower using the new demographic information data points then all borrowers on that loan will have to use the new demographic information data points.

  1. Click Yes when the pop-up notification appears and a number of borrower related fields appear.

  1. Scroll down to the options related to the demographic information data points.

  1. Complete each of the demographic information fields. For more detailed information on each of the demographic information fields, refer to the remaining job aids.

  2. Click Add Borrower for each additional borrower.

  3. Click Save after all the fields have been completed.