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Loan Level Data CSV

What this Report Represents: This is a set of loan and pool or commitment level data that opens, by default, as an Excel® spreadsheet. It provides you with up to 80 of the most common data points in the loan files of a specific pool or commitment.

The Primary Components of this Report: Some of the 80 primary data points include: Seller Number, Servicer Number, Pool/Commitment Number, Contract Number, Lender Number, Fannie Mae Loan Number, Payee Codes, FIN Number, Amortization, LTV Numbers, Mortgage Type, Loan Purpose, Mortgage Date, Mortgage Amount, Borrower Info, Appraisal Information, Issue Dates, BUBD, Price Lock, Maturity Date, Broker Information, and much more. See Appendix D for all attributes that will display as applicable per loan.  

The Reasons to Export this Report: It provides consolidated details of the loan files within a specific pool or commitment in one report (spreadsheet), as opposed to having to obtain the data from several different sources. Additional benefits include being able to run your own search queries, perform ad hoc research, create metrics, reconcile data, and enter it into other in-house systems.  

Step-by-Step Instructions for Exporting this Report:

  1. From the Pool or Commitment Management pages select the Pool or Commitment Number for each pool or commitment you want to export.

  2. Click Export and select Loan Level Data CSV.

  3. Open the Excel® file.

  4. The system will generate an Excel file that will look similar to this.

    NOTE: The highlighted fields are just a portion of up to 80 data points available in this report. Continue scrolling across to the right of your spreadsheet to view and select the remaining information from all the other data points available in this all-encompassing report. With this data now available in this format, you can sort, filter, copy and paste in various formats.