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Borrower Declined to Provide Demographic Information
Loan Delivery provides lenders the ability to enter a borrower’s option to decline to provide demographic information as it appears in the loan application. One value is required for each demographic information type.
The borrower's declination information can be found on the loan application in the Demographic Information of Borrower section as seen here.
Entering Borrower’s Declination Information in Loan Delivery
Loan Delivery provides two options to report the borrower’s declination for each of the demographic information data points as seen below.
Borrower Declination Options |
Loan Delivery Declination Value |
When to Select this Option |
No |
If the borrower did not select the box next to I do not wish to provide this information on the loan application, select this option. |
Yes |
If the borrower selected the box next to I do not wish to provide this information on the loan application, select this option. |
Follow these steps to enter the borrower's declination information.
Select the applicable declination information responses.
Select the appropriate response for each declination drop down.
Click Save after all the fields have been completed.