Desktop Underwriter Job Aids


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Working with DU Status Information

For ease of reference, we will generally use the term “DU” to refer to Desktop Originator® and Desktop Underwriter® (DO®/DU®).

The Loan List in DU provides several columns of status information to help you keep track of the work that has already been done on your loan casefiles.

You can use the Refresh Data button near the top right of the Loan List screen to see any status changes that have occurred recently. For example, you can click Refresh Data after you submit a loan casefile to underwriting to update the Loan List screen to display the underwriting recommendation for the loan casefile.

The following table summarizes the status information available in the Loan List:

Status Type Status Code What It Means
Credit Status
A credit report request has not yet been made for this loan casefile.
A problem occurred with the credit report and/or underwriting request. The status code includes a hyperlink, click to see the reason for the error.
A credit report is available for the loan casefile. The status code includes a hyperlink, click to view and print the credit report.
Underwriting Status
 Not Submitted
An underwriting request has not yet been made for this loan casefile.
The loan casefile was submitted to DU, but an error occurred. The status code includes a hyperlink, click to see the reason for the error.
The DU Underwriting Findings report is available
for the loan casefile. The status code includes a hyperlink, click to view and print the report.
 Out of Date
This status code appears if you make any changes in a loan casefile after it has been submitted to DU.
You will need to submit the loan casefile again to see how your changes affect the DU underwriting recommendation and the DU Underwriting Findings report.
Unknown Recommendation The loan casefile has not yet been submitted to DU.
Unknown The loan casefile was submitted to DU, but an error occurred. The Underwriting Status code includes a hyperlink, click to see the reason for the error.
Based on the data submitted, the loan casefile meets Fannie Mae, FHA, or VA credit risk standards and eligibility requirements.
The loan casefile meets the Fannie Mae, FHA, or
VA credit risk standards, but does not appear to
meet the eligibility requirements specified by Fannie Mae, FHA, or VA.
 Issued only on FHA or VA
 loan casefiles.
Indicates that the loan casefile must be manually
underwritten by an FHA DE underwriter or VA- approved underwriter in accordance with FHA or VA guidelines.
 Issued only on FHA or VA
 loan casefiles.
Indicates that the loan casefile must be manually
underwritten by an FHA DE underwriter or a VA- approved underwriter in accordance with FHA or VA guidelines. Further, the Ineligibility
recommendation indicates that the loan casefile does not appear to meet one or more of FHA eligibility requirements or VA’s program requirements.
 Refer with Caution
 Issued only on conventional
 loan casefiles.            
Based on the data submitted to DU, the loan casefile does not meet Fannie Mae’s credit risk standards or Fannie Mae’s eligibility requirements for DU loans. The loan can be manually underwritten.
 Out of Scope
 Issued only on conventional   loan casefiles.          
DU does not contain the rules or models that are necessary to provide an underwriting recommendation for the product, borrower, or type of loan submitted. The recommendation includes a hyperlink, click to see the reason for the Out of Scope recommendation.
 Error The loan casefile was submitted to DU, but an error occurred. The recommendation includes a hyperlink, click to see the reason for the error.
Submission Type
The loan casefile was submitted through Desktop
Originator® (DO®) as an Interim submission. The DO user (broker/correspondent) retains control of the online loan application data and can continue making changes to the data. The DU user (lender) can view the loan casefile, but cannot edit it.
The loan casefile was submitted through DO as a Final submission. The DU user (lender) now has editing rights of the online loan application data. The DO user (broker/correspondent) can still view the loan casefile, but can no longer edit it.

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